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You would think by now that I would have learned just to do those little jobs I keep putting off. After all, I put them on my to do list (sometimes long ago) because I knew they would make things easier. And yet somehow they still manage to sit there undone.

A new washer and a new frustration

Over the weekend, I finally got a new washer (yet another task I put off way too long). Once the new washer was installed, I needed to run a load to make sure it worked and check for leaks. While I was waiting around I looked over at the dryer. Ah yes, my laundry frustration. You see because of my water connection, my washer needs to be to the right of my dryer. But my dryer door opens to the right. That means that I have to either lift the wet clothes over the dryer door to move them from the washer to the dryer or walk around the door to get to the dryer. At first, I had no idea you could change the dryer door. But as it turns out, only two screws stood between me and less frustrating laundry. And yet, I lived with the frustration for over a year (yes you read that right, over a year!). But today it hit me, while I had some help, I should switch the dryer door. Now me asking for help is almost as hard as dealing with the laundry, but I did it today.

My newly changed driver door.

The first load of happiness

The first time I did a load of laundry, I was so excited (I know, who gets excited about laundry?). And I wondered why it had taken me so long to actually make the change. Now I look at those things on my to do list a little differently. If something will only take you a few minutes, but will save you time and frustration later, just do it. I challenge you this week to make one of them off your to do list. It will change your perspective and might even make you excited about laundry.